PCIM Asia是以電力電子技術及應用解決方案為主導的展覽會暨研討會,是知名的德國紐倫堡PCIM Europe的姐妹展,從2002年開始每年聚集了來自全世界在智能電力發展領域的學術專家進行學術及產品技術應用研討,是汽車制造、國家電網、軌道交通、電動車、智能運動、太陽能光伏、電子測量、醫療器械、電子驅動及電機工程技術應用解決方案的專業商貿平臺。本屆展會將于2017年6月27至29日在上海世博展覽館舉行。
PCIM Asia 新能源汽車專區
新能源汽車作為時下熱點,發展前景廣闊。剛結束的PCIM Europe為其特設的E-mobility專區打手歡迎。而在6月27-29日于上海世博展覽館舉行的 PCIM Asia 新能源汽車專區將會展示電力電子在新能源汽車方面的新發展和應用,如電動電池、混充電基建、付款系統等時下關注課題。
① A Novel Modularized Equalization Circuit Based on DC-DC Chopper for Series Connected Lithium-lon Battery packs
② A 500Arms 48V power stage of BSG inverter with TO-Leadless MOSFET for Mild HEV
③ 700kVA/L power density IGBT module for xEV power train
④ A Double-Sided Cooling Package Design with Pinfin.
⑤ Enhanced Power Electronics System for High-Performance Testing of Motor Control Units in a Power HIL Environment
跨地域風暴,PCIM Asia蓄勢待發
PCIM Asia 2017 國際研討會日程安排
特別環節 寬禁帶功率電子
主持人:吳志紅, 同濟大學
① High Efficiency Control Method for Non-Isolated Three-Port DC/DC Converter
② Impact of SiC on Power Supplies and Drives to Save Energy and Materials
③ GaN Gate Injection Transistor for Reliable Power Supply Solution
④ Recent progress in SiC power devices for power electronics applications
主旨演講:Hybrid Renewable Energy Standalone Systems
① DIPIPMTM for Automotive Application
② Upgrading of output power by newly developed 7th generation IGBT and package technologies
③ IGBT5 Based Power Module for high efficient PFC and inverter applications
④ Performance Evaluation of Split NPC 3L Modules for 1500VDC Central Solar Inverter up to 1.5MW
⑤ 94 mm Reverse-Conducting IGCT for High Power and Low Losses Applications
① A Novel Modularized Equalization Circuit Based on DC-DC Chopper for Series Connected Lithium-lon Battery packs
② A 500Arms 48V power stage of BSG inverter with TO-Leadless MOSFET for Mild HEV
③ 700kVA/L power density IGBT module for xEV power train
④ A Double-Sided Cooling Package Design with Pinfin.
⑤ Enhanced Power Electronics System for High-Performance Testing of Motor Control Units in a Power HIL Environment
主持人:Gourab Majumdar, 三菱電機
① New Concept Package with 1st Generation Trench Gate SiC MOSFETs
② A Novel High Thermal Performance Insulated Package Takes Power Integration to the Next Level
③ How to apply the better performance of SiC modules
④ Comparison of 6.78 MHz Amplifier Topologies for High Power, Highly Resonant Wireless
Power Transfer
⑤ Characterization and Switching Pattern of SiSiC Hybrid Switch
主旨演講:The Characteristics of Advanced Power Electronics Devices for High Performance Power Converters